hey !!!


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hello there ... i don't have this url posted anywhere publically yet so if you're seeing this hello hi ! i'm annie or helena , occasionally going by jade and sometimes other names ... i just turned fourteen and i use it / its pronouns though i don't really mind he / doll and some others . i prefer to stay unlabeled sexuality wise for now though i've been questioning if i'm gay for a while ^_^" i enjoy big cities at night , rainy weather + thunderstorms , writing , music , travelling , coding , and i draw sometimes too ... i'm vegaterian and i have a pet cat , and five rats ! i also have three dogs :) i've been pagan for nearly four years . i collect littlest pet shop and anime figurines , occasionally i pick up vintage animal figures from goodwill if i see them lol ! also , i'm schizophrenic + i have misophonia that will most likely change how we interact !
Tiny Bunny ━━━━━━♡ ♥ ♡━━━━━━
i am shown in media as helena adams , though i am also annie leicester , futaba sakura , and jade harley ! for the love of god please refrain from calling me a ' delusion ' or anything of the sort ... i promise you i'm just me lol ... people who kin me are usually the sweetest , i love all of you though i would prefer you don't interact with me as of now ^_^ if you think you're me you really aren't you're just weird sorry
a toshi no aki